Zombie Elementary Kaelor's Perspective Page 2
defense. The group consisted of two boys and two girls.
Aoi sped up to me as we ran. She said “Kae, shouldn’t we help them. I mean, they are kids.”
I looked at her and said “Yea, but the fourth graders really annoy me. They are so rude. Well, at least some of them.”
I stopped and Swiped the zombie that blocked my way.
Everyone else stopped. I turned around and said “Pause mission really quick, save those kids.”
Everyone nodded and turned around and swiped the zombies in the way behind us.
Could it be they were following us? They couldn’t possibly be following us, could they? Zombies can’t see. I whacked myself in the head and thought they could have been following the sound of our footsteps.
I ran to the zombies surrounding the fourth graders. I lifted the yardstick in the air and jumped as I swung it down at the zombie’s heads.
Paige, who was beside me, was swinging her yardstick at the zombies’ heads one after another.
Kaelinda, while holding her yardstick in the air with her hands above her head, was doing ballerina spins.
“Oh man!” is what I heard Edmund say.
I looked at him. He was punching zombies. Why? I looked to the ground around him. His yardstick was split in half. I looked at my yardstick. Crud, it wasn’t going to hold for much longer either. It had split a little and felt a little weak. I looked towards Aoi. She wasn’t using a yardstick anymore. She was using a metal staff. She was fighting in that samurai style again. I looked at Hana-yon. Hana-yon was using her yardstick and was swinging at their heads. I looked back to what I was doing. At this point, I was hitting nothing. I turned
to go help Aoi. From the looks of it, she didn’t need it but I helped anyway.
Soon, the zombies weren’t surrounding the fourth graders, and I was able to reach them. We were around them, but now the zombies were surrounding us.
Edmund, Aoi, Paige, and Kaelinda were fighting them off, while Hana-yon and I were helping the fourth graders.
“What are your names, and is everyone okay?” Hana-yon asked.
A tall girl with short blonde hair, green eyes, and fair skin , said “Oh, my name is Mari and I’m the leader.” She pointed to a girl with long black hair, caramel skin, short, blue eyes, and a very cute face, and said “This is Lequisha.”
After that a short boy with black semi long hair, fair skin, and brown narrow eyes said “My name is Kohaku.”
Then, the other boy who was tall, with blonde, semi long hair, fair skin, and blue eyes said “My name is Blake.”
Everyone is okay! Thanks for saving us!” Mari yelled in an annoying voice.
I looked at her, a little ticked off and said “Stop, don’t yell! You will attract more zombies that way.”
Mari frowned at me.
Wait a second, I know that frown, and I know her face! Mari is Leeyanah’s little cousin! “Do you guys want to come with us, or do you want to venture out by yourselves?” Hana-yon asked them kindly.
“No, we’ll go with you guys. It might be fun!” Mari said in an annoying voice ending it with a yell.
“Stop yelling” I said to Mari with a frown.
“Ok!” Mari said in a deep voice.
I sighed and said “So if you guys are coming with us, why don’t you help us fight them off?”
“Why?” Blake said with a puppy dog face.
“Well, because we were on a mission and you’re lucky, that my friend Aoi, stopped and coaxed me into saving you guys!” I said in a playful voice.
They all groaned and said “Fine!”
Oh my gosh, they are some lazy people! I thought to myself.
We all turned around and came through the circle of friends together.
Aoi was fighting in that samurai style again (Of course she was).
Edmund was still fighting with his fists. I’m surprised he wasn’t bitten yet. I felt bad, so I split my yardstick in half. “Edmund, catch!” I shouted.
He turned to look. When he saw the yardstick half thrown at him he held out his hand to grab it.
Paige was fighting in that ninja style again. It took a while, but soon we were finished fighting the zombies.
“Team, lets continue the mission!” I said enthusiastically while making a time in sign.
We began to jog down the hall. The stairwell was only a couple feet away. I turned my head. The light purple walls now covered with a disturbing dark red color.. I looked down.
The white porcelain floor tiles were also now covered in that disturbing color, and zombie bodies.
This is a scene where anyone with a weak stomach would vomit.
I realized I was stepping on one. Oh well, it didn’t feel like it. BAM! I ran into the wall. It hurt like nothing I ever felt before. I backed off the wall and rubbed my head. “Mama mia! Why do I always hurt myself” I said while smirking, not believing that I just ran into the wall.
I heard someone snicker. I turned around and began to laugh too.
Then, I was accompanied by everyone else’s laughter. We laughed for what seemed like forever until Aoi decided to be a kill joy, and told us to be quiet.
We all silenced at her command. Then we heard deep moaning sounds, dead moaning sounds. It was coming from down the stairwell.
“Okay, everyone lets…” I began saying until I was interrupted by Mari.
“Who decided you were leader?” Mari said in a disrespectful voice.
“Well, little girl, we took a vote before we headed down the fourth grade hallway, and I was voted leader. Thank you very much” I snapped. I could already tell, Mari and I started on the wrong foot, and would not get along.
“Well, little miss bossman, why don’t we cast a new vote? After all, your team consists of five new people, a total of ten people, so a vote should be appropriate” Mari said with a bossy tone.
I kissed my teeth and replied “Oh my goodness, chromosome Glitch, please! I’m not a man first of all. Second, I am certainly NOT a LITTLE miss, and that vote thing was a good idea.” She gave me an angry glare.
“Ok!” Aoi cut in. “So raise your hands for who wants me as leader, and no voting twice!” she said.
I rose my hand along with Hana-yon and Paige. “Ok, so who wants Mari as leader?” she said.
Kohaku raised his hand.
Aoi nodded. “Who wants Kaelor as leader?”
Edmund raised his hand.
“Who wants ...” Aoi looked to Hana-yon.
Hana-yon shook her head.
Then Aoi turned her glance to Kaelinda and Paige. They shook their heads.
“Who want’s Edmund?” she said.
Mari raised her hand and gave me a rude glare.
Lequisha, Blake, Kaelinda, and Aoi raised their hand.
I raised my hand and voted again, and so did Hana-yon. I looked to Hana-yon, we both giggled and high fived each other.
“Ok! So Edmund is our new leader!” Aoi said joyfully.
I gave her a look.
“Don’t worry, I’m not taking him from you! I have no interest in him” Aoi said reassuringly.
“Oh, so little mister snot eater has a crush on mister hot face!” Mari said with an evil grin.
I growled and yanked at her hair. Her eyes began to water and an expletive exited her mouth.
My jaw dropped. Kids her age cursing, I thought I taught that fourth grade Renee girl that cursing was wrong, and that she had to tell everyone else.
“Looks as if the lesson I gave Renee didn’t make it to the fourth grade gossipers” I said while cracking my knuckles.
“Calm down Kaelor, she’s probably surrounded by people that curse all the time. Plus you shouldn’t be talking. You use profanity on a daily basis” Paige said.
“Ok as leader, I say we take the elevator downstairs, so that we can reach the art room faster” Edmund said before turning and walking back.
“Really, Edmund? We’re already at the stairwell. We may as well take the stairs and be don
e with it. It’ll save us the trouble of being ambushed in the elevator” I said like a know-it-all.
“You’re right, just tryna’ be funny!” He said while turning and heading down the stairwell. We all followed.
Paige stood on the railing, and then slid down the railing. Soon, she was at the bottom of the stairwell. Once we all were at the bottom, I gave her a confused look.
“Oh, you guys don’t know?” she asked almost above a whisper.
We shook our heads.
“Oh, well I come from a family of shinobi, ninja’s. It’s a family tradition to
teach each new generation the techniques and all that jazz.” She said while rubbing the back of her head.
“Then, why don’t you look like one?” Kohaku asked.
“Oh, my mom is Japanese. Does it make a difference?” Paige said.
I nodded.
“Ok, now let’s stop wasting time and head to the art room. After all, we do need more weapons.” Edmund said while holding up his hands. His hands were not in a very
presentable state.
I turned around and I saw a zombie. I then remembered that I had the half of my yardstick and began to swing at it’s head.
Aoi beat me to it.
I grunted and looked at her. She was running ahead with Edmund and the rest into the 1st floor hallway filled with child and teacher corpses. Man, they are fast! I didn’t even see them pass! I ran behind them, not wanting to be surrounded.
We slid past the slow moving sightless dead bodies, Untouched, unharmed, and swiftly.
Edmund led us to the art room. He took a glimpse into the art room. The Hope that filled his face, disappeared into disgust.
I pushed him out of the way and took a look for myself. I saw the art room was filled with zombies. Some were surrounding bodies and biting them, and some tearing off the skin that the body had until it awoke as a walking corpse.
I felt my vomit come up my throat and I stepped out from in front the door, and puked my breakfast onto the ground. When I looked up, I saw my friends looking in the window on the door of the art room.
“Ok, change in plans everyone. Let’s just head to the middle school.” Edmund said below a whisper, but loud enough for us to hear it.
We all nodded and he led the way. We all jogged in silence out of the building. Then, we were faced with the zombies
outside. Thank goodness there weren’t a lot of them.
“Wait, guys.” Aoi said.
We all turned toward her. “Here, take these.” She said while reaching into her clinch sack. She pulled out small metal sticks. She clicked a button on the side of it, and it expanded into a metal staff.
She handed one to each of us, pushing the button each time to expand it. “Use these. They are the staffs that my uncle brought me for protection. You don’t
need to be a kendo champion to know how to use one” she said.
I dropped the half of my yardstick as she handed me mine.
Once Edmund had the staff handed to him, he plunged towards the zombies, no questions asked.
I followed close behind, while thinking back to the style Aoi used, and how she used the staff. When I was in front of a zombie a flash of a movement Aoi did came to my head. I copied her move by gliding
my foot, but while attempting to do it the same way she did, I fell on my face, making myself vulnerable.
Aoi saved me by hitting that zombie I attempted to hit.
When I caught my balance she gave me a smirk. “I see you tried to do the suri-ashi. It is a very simple stance really. You did it just fine earlier, what happened?”
I made a face. “I tripped” I said trying to keep my voice emotionless, while
my face protested with the blush of embarrassment.
“Whatever,” she said. She turned around and jumped forward, toward the zombie coming at us.
I wiped my face and looked at my hand. Two of my fingers were covered in blood. I sighed and whacked a zombie in the head with the metal staff. I can’t believe how easy it was. I did it with no intention. With the yardstick you had to use force you didn’t have. I chuckled and swung at the
one coming behind me. I turned and saw Paige, just a few feet away.
She was standing on one of the zombie’s shoulders while hitting the other ones, and struggling to keep her ankles clean of bites.
I ran straight towards the zombie that she was standing on.
She back flipped in the air and landed on her feet. She gave me an annoyed look.
I then realized that in her left hand, she was holding the metal staff, and in the other was a dagger like thing.
She caught me staring at it and said “It’s a kunai. I use it in combat practice.”
I nodded. She then turned around and ran towards a zombie, and jumped at it with the kunai in her hand. She was holding the staff above her head in the air the whole time. Then she landed back on the ground.
I turned around when I heard an unpleasant moan come from behind me.
There I saw three zombies headed towards me, and they were coming fast. I ran towards them, and hit the one in the middle, right on the middle of the head. The staff got him good! I nearly gagged as I pulled the staff back off of him and ran towards the other two. I was running, and then BANG! I slipped on blood or something and fell on my back. It hurt like heck! I screamed in pain while rubbing the parts of my back that I could reach. Besides that, I hurt my head too. My head was spinning, and my vision began to blur. I
could only see blobs of red and grey-ish pale over me darkening as the background turned black. All of the strength I had to hold myself up, was disappearing. Well, I guess this is the end for me. I guess I’ll never get that kiss from Edmund, or become a moviemaker and fashion designer.
I woke up. I felt sheets. So this is where I’m going to be put in front of God and judged. I thought to myself. But I thought that when you’re judged, all of the pain is gone and you’re just fine? I began to open my eyes, ready to stand before God, still having throbbing pain in my back and head. When my eyes were completely opened, I saw a ceiling with a light above me, or at least it looked like it. I couldn’t tell. My vision was still blurry. “So, I guess I’m not in heaven?”
“She’s awake!” I heard a female voice say. It sounded like Aoi’s voice.
But I’m in the afterlife judgment center, she can’t possibly be here. Then I saw faces hovering all over me. My vision cleared up, and then I saw that they were my friend’s faces.
“You’re conscious!” I heard Hana-yon say excitedly. I received a hug from her along with a hug from each girl.
I chuckled. “So where are we?” I asked while sitting up. Then a sharp pain shot up my back. I let out a gasp.
“We’re in the middle school nurses office” Paige answered.
Then Kaelinda came towards me with a stethoscope. “Can you turn your back towards me please?” Kaelinda asked sounding like a doctor.
“What are you going to do?” I asked, confused.
“I’m just going to check you out.” She replied while lifting up the back of my shirt.
I nodded and eased my back in her direction. Pain kept shooting up my back every time I shifted a certain way.
She then put the stethoscope on my back. The cold feeling from the stethoscope on my back, helped ease the lingering pain.
“So, how did you guys manage to get me here?” I asked.
“Deep breaths, please.” Kaelinda ordered.
I gave her five deep breaths as I waited for someone to answer my question.
“Oh, we all heard your scream, but I was the closes,t so I fought off the zombies that attempted to bite you while everyone raced to help me. You were lucky you weren’t bitten. Anyway, when we finally took care of them, Edmund grabbed you and
piggybacked you all the way here, while we fought off the zombies that attempted to attack us.” Aoi said while reading a book that had the title of ‘How to treat back injurie
I nodded. My head was still aching.
“Breathe!” Kaelinda demanded as she moved the stethoscope to another part of my back.
I took in a deep breath. “Breathe” she demanded again after moving it again.
I took in another deep breath. She began withdrawal of the stethoscope from off of my back and placed it down on a counter, and then grabbed a bottle.
I looked to Paige who was reading a book that was labeled ‘How to treat head injuries.’ I moved my arm up to my head and felt the back of it. When my hand touched my head, I felt a huge amount of pain in my head. That just made all of the other pain even worse. I gasped again before I put my hand back down. I looked back at Kaelinda, who was coming towards
me with a bottle and a cloth. The bottle was labeled ‘rubbing alcohol’.
Kaelinda sat on the bedside, opened the bottle, and poured some of the contents on to the cloth. Then, she placed the cloth in her lap, put the top back on the bottle, and put it on the bedside table. She then lifted up the back of my shirt.
I gulped because I know this is going to sting!
“This is going to sting a little. I need to put this on to clean your cuts” she said while looking me dead in the eye.
I nodded.